Leadership, Teamwork, Creativity...

We provide musical experiences for conferencesteam meetings, leadership development programs and client appreciation events.

A symphony orchestra, jazz or rock band, string quartet, songwriter or composer - they all provide fascinating insights into leadership, communication, teamwork and creativity.

We work globally and engage local professional musicians to deliver both in-person and virtual events.

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M&M Brochure (US Letter)  Download brochure ​

HR Magazine article  "Organisations should mimic jazz bands as well as orchestras"



A video introduction to Music & Management

Musical Experiences


Sit within a live orchestra, listen to the music and engage in an interactive discussion about leadership, collaboration, listening and trust…

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Listen to a jazz band and discuss improvisation, creativity, flexibility, risk-taking and change within a fast-moving commercial world…

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Hear a string quartet perform a classical masterpiece and discuss the coordination and precision needed for high level performances...

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Compare a classical and jazz approach to music and business, and discuss how to integrate strategic alignment and creative independence...

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Hear an orchestral conductor and jazz musician talk about musical leadership, teamwork and innovation and how it applies to the world of business...

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Dinner courses are interspersed with interludes providing insights into leadership, teamwork and innovation from the world of music...

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Enjoy a fun team-building activity that highlights the need for new skill acquistion, teamwork, negotiation, creativity and time-management...

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  • An extremely powerful way to convey leadership messages...
    Sir Ian Cheshire
    CEO, Kingfisher PLC
  • You and your orchestra were stellar and a highlight in a day packed with highlights. A virtuoso experience...
    Octavius Black
    CEO of MindGym
  • The jazz vision is dead right for today’s organizations...
    Nigel Nicholson
    Professor, London Business School
  • Respectfully, one of the most unique and enjoyable presentations your team will ever witness and be sure to remember...
    John K Millis
    Vice President, Kimberly Clark Corporation
  • What a truly well thought, brilliantly planned and wonderfully executed event…
    Participant feedback